
Friday, February 21, 2025 and Saturday, February 22, 2025: Lowcountry Parrot Head Parrots and Pirates in Park Circle Weekend.  Check back for more information about volunteering to help. 

Thursday, March 27, 2025:  Oyster Roast with auctions and music at Bohemian Bull on James Island.  More info coming soon!

Thursday, April 3rd and Friday April 4th Cooper River Bridge Run Expo

Saturday, April 5, 2025- Cooper River Bridge Run

CCC needs volunteer support for the Cooper River Bridge Run. 

Carolina Children’s Charity (CCC) has been chosen to be a charity partner and we will benefit from this year’s Cooper River Bridge Run on Saturday, April 5th.

CCC is responsible for recruiting 50 plus volunteers, so please consider signing up. If you can’t volunteer, please share this opportunity with anyone who might be interested.

Please click the link below if you can offer volunteer support.

All volunteers must ALWAYS choose CCC as their team and our preferred area is the start line corral A/B, but you can volunteer in any area.

**If you cannot help at the start line, you can choose another option for the event. We will receive credit for all volunteers even if you help at the Expo on 4/3 and 4/4 or another area on event day as long as you choose our CCC team**

Once you have joined our team and selected the volunteer area, you will enter your personal information and confirm. Please ensure that CCC is your team before submitting your entry as this is how we receive credit for all of our volunteers.

As a bonus, if you sign up to volunteer at the start in Corral A/B with CCC, you will be able to wear your volunteer t-shirt and run or walk the bridge when we are finished. You will not have a bib so your walk or run will not be timed.

CCC start line volunteers will need to arrive at Corral B on Saturday, April 5th between 5am – 5:30am.  Parking will be at Moultrie Middle School – 645 Coleman Blvd. and will be free. We will have your t-shirt for you that morning as all volunteers will get a free t-shirt that will need to be worn during the event. YOU DO NOT have to pick up your shirt unless you are working another area.  We will have all start line volunteer shirts at Corral B on event day.  Once everyone arrives at Corral B and receives their shirts we will send some volunteers to Corral A or any other areas needed by CRBR.  Volunteers will be finished around 8:30am.

Volunteers must be 15 years or older unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. EVERYONE needs to register so we get credit for your volunteering!!

Saturday, April 12, 2025:  Cajun Festival at James Island County Park

CCC needs volunteers to help with the Cajun Festival at James Island County Park – 871 Riverland Drive Charleston, SC 29412 on Saturday, April 12, 2025.

**CCC will receive a donation of $20.00 per hour for each volunteer**

Volunteers will be provided with food from our tent and must be 18 years and older.

Volunteers are needed from 11am -6pm. We will be serving food and expediting orders.

1ST SHIFT 11am – 3pm

2nd SHIFT 2pm – 6pm

All volunteers should plan to arrive 30 minutes before their shift to allow time to park and get to our tents.

If you are available to volunteer, please let Sonya know what shift you prefer no later than March 19th. She will also need to know if you have a Gold Pass allowing free admission to JICP or if you need a pass for entry.

Monday, April 28, 2025: 2nd Annual Golf tournament at Daniel Island Club.  Please click on the golf tournament tab for more information. 

Saturday, September 27, 2025:  22nd Annual care • give • run® 5K Partial Trail Run & Family Fun Walk.  Please click on the care • give • run® tab for more information. 

Please check back for more upcoming events and more information on any of the above events.